Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feed My Starving Children

This weekend we had the opportunity to volunteer with a great organization. Feed My Starving Children was started by a Minnesota businessman after he saw devastating hunger on a mission trip to Honduras. Initially he simply organized food donations to send to areas in need, but quickly realized many of the processed American foods being donated were unhealthy for the children that needed help. The current formula of soy, rice, vegetables, as well as the vitamin and mineral vegetarian chicken flavoring mix was designed by food scientists at Cargill and General Mills. Each meal has 20 different vitamins and minerals that are specifically tailored to meet a child’s nutritional needs for one day. Each meal costs only 17 cents.

The part of of the experience that impacted me most was seeing the before and after pictures of the children. The photo of a baby left to die in an outhouse, nearly a skeleton covered in sewage, and then the baby after 3 months on the food, and 6 months on the food, to a perfectly happy, healthy and smiling baby.

Perhaps it was my naivety, but every time I saw a "feed the children" type commercial, I always thought the photos of the children were of starving babies, infants. I was shocked to find out that one of the photos we were shown of a little 17 pound child...was a 17 pound 8 year old. An 8 year old child who weighed as little as a tiny baby. It was shocking. After only a few months on the food, the 8 year old had gained 70 pounds and looked like a happy and healthy boy. What an incredible story.

It is amazing to me what little effort or donation on our part, can completely change the lives of others. It can take a person, eating rocks for nourishment, and transform them into a student, a doctor, a preacher, a teacher.

The foods we shipped will go directly to the children and families of those devastated in Haiti. Click below to find out more about the Haiti relief effort as well as the Feed My Starving Children organization.

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